Oh Ana - Mother Mother
Shinnosuke Tenmaya (天満屋 慎之助, Tenmaya Shinnosuke?) is the owner of Tenmaya.
Shinnosuke is a young man with black hair that has bangs hanging on the right side and purple eyes.
He wears a simple purple kimono loosely tied with a bright turquoise obi. He also wears a black undergarment with white accents topped off with a gold brooch of some sort. As his outfit is mostly traditional excusing the bright colors, Shinnosuke wears tabi (socks that let you wear traditional Japanese footwear) which allows him to wear his shoes of choice, hiyori geta. Shinnosuke also decorates his hair with a cluster of feathers on the right side of his head hanging down, presumably held by a braid. The rest of his hair seems to be pulled up in the back excluding a few prominent strands that hang down and loop back. He also wears a monocle. It is unknown if he wears it for fashion or medical reasons.
Shinnosuke is also noted to have dyed his hair black as an attempt to hid the fact that he is Japanese-American. It is unknown what his original hair color is. His hair also has a few purple highlights and undertones which may have been for aesthetic purposes for us the view to view as pleasing.
- The name Shinnosuke means "prudent, careful" (慎) (shin), "this" (之) (no) and "assist/assistant/assistance, help, rescue" (助) (suke).
- Shinnosuke's surname Tenmaya means "heaven/heavenly, sky, imperial" (天) (ten), "full" (満) (ma) and "roof, house, shop, dealer, seller" (屋) (ya).