Mars Red Wiki

Takeuchi (タケウチ, Takeuchi?) is a character in the Mars Red series. He is a D-class vampire and mad scientist with an immortal brain.


Takeuchi has a slim build and stands at a fairly average height. He has pink hair with an undercut, and a monocle over his left eye. He has two red earrings on each ear, and two black piercings under his right eye. He wears a reddish-orange collared shirt, accessorized with a gold medallion. He has a pair of suspenders with an extra hook attached to rolled-up slacks. A leather belt with a pouch is seen around his waist. He wears brown gloves that appear to be cut, not fully covering his palm. Takeuchi wears yellow socks, and a pair of black and white dress shoes.


Takeuchi is a somewhat crazy person, often thinking of new experiments to do in order to further his studies. This is evident when Kurusu asks if they will be dead after getting shot to which Takeuchi's response is by shooting Yamagami multiple times. During the moment when Moriyama gets bitten, Maeda proceeds to kill him in order to put him out of his suffering. Takeuchi comments that Moriyama would have made a "valuable sample", implying that he would've used him for experiments and such.


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